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Wall Street Journal and Taglocity



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 Friday, 09 February 2007
Friday, 09 February 2007 18:51:28 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00) ( )

Jeremy Wagstaff on his Loose Wire column of the Wall Street Journal wrote a nice review of Taglocity today.

I noticed the surge in traffic to rather late; like a huge truck heading for the poor motionless web servers. I am currently dousing the whole rack with petrol to cool it down, which I read in wikipedia is the best thing to do, so it must be true.

I spoke to Jeremy last week and we had a good chat. He's based in Jakarta, Indonesia, and being originally from the UK, still looks in on the British TV from there. Ironically, where I am in the UK (Dorset, you'll find it on no mortal map) 'over air' reception only allows me to get 2 TV channels and one of them really is about Cheese and goes off at 7pm with the national anthem playing. I think you can put aerials up that would rival a SETI Search, but that's only if you want the other two channels, one of which just shows a continuous loop of a tractor in black and white.

What the previous paragraph clearly demonstrates is (a) I have a striking inability to stay on message regarding Taglocity and (b) I am clearly not a talented marketeer.

Over the last month or so I've had to keep quiet about what's going on around Taglocity, and that may even have made me seem especially inept at all this. Things are a changing though.

Next week I'll have a big announcement to make about the new future of Taglocity. Many things will be changing for me personally, many good things for the product(s) and, if I may risk breaking the English Code of Understatement, be actually quite 'exciting' (Goodness, I'm both blushing and stammering now).

If you only get a couple of TV channels then do tune in here next week for the big news.

- David